This story revolves around the 10 rupee note that passes various hands to reach the final destination, the authoress’ hands…
· A quick recap of how this ten rupee note was formed
· The college girl withdraws money from bank
· She goes to sugarcane juice and pays off the money
· He pays to a ice seller
· He sells to a fish seller
· Fish seller sells to a boat man
· Boat man inturn gives his kid who asks to buy candy
· Candyman gives his wife
· Wife gives to god
· Pujari takes it to market to buy incense
· Shopkeeper rotates to another customer
· This customer works as a taxi driver
· Driver back to a tea shop
· Tea shop to the child labour
· Childlabour gives to his parent
· Mother market of vegetables.. it’s torn
· I stand near her, staring her cos, she’s nothing but for 10rupees
· So, I take it and return
· Finally, I stick a cellotape and return to the bank, who gives a fresh ten rupee note ready for next TRANSACTION


Sakina Adeeb said…
nice...i just checked my ten rupee note and tried to figure out the number of finger prints on it :)

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